Saturday, June 23, 2012

Franklin Stern, A Birthday and A Baby.

Having a newborn isn't all fun and games, he cries all the time. Between feedings, diaper changes, and holding him so he didn't get lonely I barely found any time to do anything. I would sneak onto the computer at night, because thankfully he slept all night long.
I found myself on Barnacle Bay Single Mother's Hookups and More, my profile stated that I was not looking for a relationship but just some little fun here and there. Looking to get married? Nope. Children? Yes, and planning on more. Looking for donors? Yes.
I got a message, while I was still online from Frankstern198.
"I would be interested in being a donor for your next child, I would however like access to my child when they grow up so they know who their father is."
Hmm, I think I'll reply to him.
"Of course, you would have access to your child. You could spend the night with him/her, have them for a weekend and you could come to their birthday parties and other parties we have here at the house. We could meet up and talk this out in person. What is your address? I'll have to bring my son Charles with me."
His reply was quick, I guess someone Else is spending their night on the computer.
"I live at 67 Applegate Drive. It would be totally fine with me if you bring Charles."
Yawning, I turned the computer off and headed to bed. Tomorrow Charles and I would be going to meet Frankstern198.
"Good evening darling, how is that adorable little boy doing this evening?"
My heart fluttered as I looked at him, butterflies did flips in my stomach.
"Charles, is doing just fine this evening. He's already had all the play time and snuggles from mommy that he can stand."
"Aww, you must be a very good mother. Anyways, my name is Franklin Stern."
"Berryetta Jamm."
"I think you have amazing genetics, and I would like to work out a time and place for us to begin trying to have a baby. I am meaning by the natural no doctors for me."
"Ms. Jamm, I would have it no other way. I shall be by your house at around nine a.m tomorrow morning."
"Splendid. I hate to run but I should be putting Charles to bed now."
The next morning I greeted him with a kiss, what I didn't expect was the hardcore, heart stop beating, leaving me breathless, butterflies, soul recognition reaction I had. That type of thing, was suppose to be a fairytale. I could tell by the look on his face, he felt it to. He didn't say a word about it just looked down before he spoke.
"Are you ready to try to have a baby?"
"Yes, I suppose I am."
I hate this, I want to see where this could go but I can't because all 99 babies I have to have, they need different father's.
More soul wrenching kisses later, we headed to the bedroom where magic happened over and over again.
That's when Charles started to cry, Franklin was following me. Doing a little strut.
He came up behind me, made a little snorting noise that was incredible adorable.
"I wanted to take care of the baby for you."
"That's so sweet, honey."
Franklin left, after a few kisses and some dinner. I stayed in the kitchen, turned on the radio and started to dance.
That's when the nausea started, I had to run to the bathroom.

I headed to bed for a quick nap, when I woke up I headed to the kitchen and to get some breakfast.
Then, I just knew that I was pregnant.
The next few days were uneventful all of my time was spent with Charles.
Before I knew it, I was inviting everyone I knew over for Charles's birthday.
I let Charles's step-mom, Amy take him to the cake. After all, I did sleep with her husband it was the least that I could do.
He aged into what was the most adorable toddler ever, I did not know where he got his hair coloring from must be from one of my parents. I went and found Franklin to give him the good news.
"Franklin darling, I have some wonderful news your going to be a father. I'm pregnant."
"That is fabulously delightful news, my lady. May I rub your belly?"
"Of course you can."
Teaching a chid the basics, like walking, talking and potty training aren't the easiest things in the world. Maybe, just because I'm new at this as well. Hopefully it will get easier.

When Charles, did learn everything he would have me take him upstairs where he would play with his Bryan the valentine bear.
I brought the radio up to the second floor, turned it on and decided to work out while spending my time with Charles. I started to feel the contractions starting, I couldn't control the scream that escaped.

It didn't bother Charles, he kept playing with his bear. I had a home birth and I welcomed Stan into the world.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Beginning Of My Challange

So, this is me Berryetta Jamm I am the only berry sweet sim in Barancle Bay. I moved here from Sugar Valley. My home is ready for sound of little feet running through its halls. I am being forced by my simmer to do the 100 baby challenge. 
As for my occupation, I am a self employed Painter.
I love painting its also been my passion, I plan on painting a picture of every single one of my lovely children.
I always wanted a big family, never one quite this big just five or so. 100 babies? This is nuts.
Well, lets get started the man I have chosen to be the first baby's father is Lewis-Charlie Darwin. He is married, but he's always shown a interest in me. 
Lets, invite him on over.
"You know Lewis, I think I like you. I know its wrong because you have a wife... But I want you."
"Berryetta, I've wanted you to. It'll be okay, we can do this. No one will ever find out."
Thats what you think buddy bo-
He kissed me, and soon we were all over each other.
"Lets head into the bedroom, where we can get more comfortable."
Aww, how sweet he wants to cuddle first.
Bow chicka wow wow. 
Lewis did leave immediately after words, because his wife would be getting worried.  He gave a long goodbye kiss before he ran out the door.

I didn't hear from him for a few days, when he did call me he told me how much he loved me and blah blah blah I'll leave my wife if you want me to.
No thanks honey, I just want your baby.

The waves of nausea started coming, day after day feeling sick. I decided  to take a home pregnancy test.
It was positive, I could now ask to just be friends with Lewis. I decided to wait a few days to confront him, I spent my time painting. Children seemed to be the main theme of my paintings lately.

I decided to lay off painting until the baby was born, who wanted to buy paintings of children?
Anyways, I guess its time to tell Lewis the good and bad news. 
I decided to meet him at the garden between our two houses to break the news to him.
"Lewis, there is something I have to tell you. I'm pregnant with your child."
"Oh my barnacle, babe that's amazing! I will leave Cl-"
"Well actually Lewis, I just want to be friends. I don't want to take you away from her, it was just a one night stand."
"What?! Just a one night stand?! It meant nothing to you! You know what fine, I don't want you either." He took off running towards his house and all I could was 'Run Forrest Run'. I headed home, and started reading a cook book. That was one skill I should have improved after all I'm going to have to feed 100 children. I don't want to listen to them all complain about how terrible my cooking is.
The majority of my pregnancy was spent reading, or taking a stroll to the back yard to admire the area I had set up for my children to play in when they got old enough.
Well lookie here, ain't I the most sexy pregnant chick ever? 
Yeah, I rock this baby bump!
I was inside reading one night, when I went into labor for  the first time.
I headed to the hospital to give birth to my first child. After, five painful hours I welcomed Charles Jamm into the world.
After, I settled Charles into his crib I started my morning off by making some waffles man was I hungry.